Im making a music video and i got the music but i need people in animation to dance. If you send me one by my E-Mail ill be sure to incluse you as a co- Author. Plz send in sumthing. I would prefer it be sumthing that goes with Rock.
Im Greg everybody im an Artist,Flash Artist and a serious Gamer. My friend Aaron(Ir0nPh0enix) helps me with some of the flashes. My company is Ph0enix Flashes for online.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 11/12/07
what kind of music video, i mean which style? more info to be sure
Rock Music
It would definetly help to hear a little bit from the song...
quit trying to pick fights on the internet
what u said on aarons profile is ssssssssssoooooo not true u have only played mgs 1 u only have super smash bros 1 u only have 1 pokemon game that i know which i have 5 pokemon games and i bet u have never ever EVER played a sonic game except for for both sonic riders so quit lying, midget!
i bet you'll be glad to take me OFF ur friends list and most of the time I HAVE TO GET U TO COME OUTSIDE! there i hope you understood me.
Post this on BBS, you will get more answers.
tell evry one what the song is
sorry im too busy right now